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My Top 5 Kiddie Coasters

Whilst these coasters may be designed to accommodate the smallest of riders, that doesn't mean they can't be a blast for seasoned guests too!

If you're an enthusiast like me, there's a pretty high likelihood that your passion for rollercoasters began with rides designed for a family audience. For some, that will be where their relationship with kiddie coasters ends. They were a means to an end but now it's time for something a little more thrilling. That's completely fine! We all have our own individual preferences and if you only enjoy truly thrilling rides, this may not be the list for you! Lord knows, 9 times out of 10 you can bet that if I'm excited about a coaster it's going to be something a little taller than 30ft. (Except Farmyard Flyer of course - have you seen that propeller!?) But for those of us who continue to ride them as adults, sure they are often just a cred for the count, but sometimes kiddie coasters can offer more than a quick +1. Sometimes kiddie coasters can be a complete themed experience, or they can be surprisingly snappy or sometimes they're just a whole load of fun.

So, in defence of the humble kiddie cred, here are 5 that I genuinely adore - even at age 28:

5. The Dragon's Apprentice (Legoland Windsor)


One of my strongest childhood theme park memories is a somewhat disastrous family trip to Legoland Windsor. That day I really wasn't feeling any of the rides, I got scared and cried until I was taken out of the line for: The Dragon, Pirate Falls Treasure Quest and even The Dragon's Apprentice.

I don't know what it was that scared me so much about this very small coaster, but hey at least that made it even more of a delight to discover as an adult. Hopping on to The Dragon's Apprentice for the first time, I fully expected it to be a quick one-and-done +1, but it wasn't. Not for me at least. I can't quite pin down what it is I love, be it the delightful trains, the beautifully themed surroundings or the unexpected smoke effect but there's something about this ride that makes me deeply happy every time I ride (which is often!)

4. Scorpion Express (Chessington World of Adventures)


The first of a few powered coasters to make an appearance on this list, Scorpion Express is a ride that takes a kiddie coaster, surrounds it with some of the best ride theming in the country and creates an impressive ride experience that's fun for guests of any age. Whilst the coaster itself is fun enough for it's type, there is no way that flying down a helix around an enormous animatronic scorpion crafted from scrap metal whilst the air around you fills with bursts of pyro will ever not be cool. Scorpion Express shows just what a kids coaster can be when themed to the nines. What it lacks in thrill, it makes up - and then some - in style.

3. Casey Jr (Disneyland Park, Paris)

Everyone please take a moment to pay your respects to the founding father of rollercoaster on-ride audio, Casey Jr: Le Petit Train du Cirque. Casey Jr - a Vekoma powered coaster - was the first ever rollercoaster to utilise on-board audio and it's still clear upon riding what a difference that made to the industry. Casey is a delightful ride around the outskirts of the Storybook Boats, allowing you to take in the miniatures from a very different angle - and at speed! But what truly makes the ride special is that audio, from the heaving noises Casey makes as the train slowly departs and the perfectly synchronised 'wahoo!' as it catches a sudden burst of speed, to the theme song (which absolutely slaps) that plays throughout the rest of the course. Casey Jr is an absolutely perfect example of how much fun a 'kiddie' ride can be for the whole family - or a solo adult!

2. Flying Fish (Thorpe Park)


If you love rollercoasters and you grew up in the South of England (or Wales), there's a pretty strong chance that Thorpe Park's Flying Fish played an instrumental role in your childhood. I don't know what it s that makes this ride so special. Is it that the soundtrack is awesome? Or that the trains are funky? Or maybe that you get to ride this nippy little kids coaster surrounded by the incredible Thorpe skyline? Maybe it's just pure nostalgia, or maybe it's a mix of all the above but Flying Fish still remains a lot of fun. Long may it reign as the kindly grandfather of UK creds.

1. Cat-O-Pillar (Paultons Park)

Whenever anyone asks which UK coaster offers the best airtime, one little kiddie coaster tucked away in the New Forest springs to mind (after a certain Welsh Gerstlauer of course). Cat-O-Pillar doesn't look like much, being a standard Zierer Tivoli - albeit one with an absolutely bananas theme - but looks can be deceiving. I challenge you to sit in the back row and not laugh, or at least crack a smile, when pulled over that first drop. The pop of ejector airtime as you are yanked down the relatively small drop is quite frankly ridiculous for a coaster of this scale and always leaves me laughing my way around the rest of the layout. A trip to Paultons isn't complete without it!

And there we have it, five coasters that offer a fantastic ride experience, however old you are!

Even though these coasters are some of the best, and all reside at established theme parks, that's not to say that those constructed with - shall we say - a somewhat smaller budget are any less deserving of respect. I'm sure at some point we've all experienced a Wacky Worm and you know what? They still make me smile every single time, especially this worm I recently experienced at Foire du Trone - NE PAS TOUCHER LES ANTENNES!

Whilst coasters with a low height requirement may not offer the thrills that many riders look for, there is something to be said for a ride that places the emphasis on fun, without the accompanying fear. Long live the kiddie cred!

Speak again soon,



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